Tuesday, August 29, 2006

MAT Meeting Date...

Hi Everyone...Due to Hurricane Ernesto...we have canceled our meeting for August, we will now be meeting on September 8, 2006 (FRIDAY) at 2:45pm in room 9111 (Picchiarini). We hope not to make any further changes...please keep up with any updates. Also, try to bring money for dues...$15 for returning members and $20 for new members, this is due by the end of September. And wear the MAT shirt to the meeting! Make every effort to attend...Raul.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

MAT's Links

Hi Everyone...I have put a few links to several important sites on the right side of the blog...feel free to take a look at them...Raul

Monday, August 14, 2006

First Meeting of The Year

Mu Alpha Theta Members...

We will be having our first meeting of the year next Friday, August 25, 2006. This meeting will take place in room 9111 at 2:45pm. We will be discussing many important matters, such as newly implemented rules, and requirements that must be met in order to remain a member of the club. Please...if you aren't able to attend this meeting, let me know via email, or during school, so that I can give you the information that you will be missing.


Friday, August 11, 2006

Mc Arthur Mu Alpha Theta Members...

This is where from now on we will keep you updated with everything that is happening in the club! I will be posting every meeting's agenda, notices and other important matters of the club. But...don't forget that you will still receive updates in your don't stop checking them! School is starting soon...which means that we will soon have our first meeting...don't forget to check back here for the date and place!

MAT President