NOVEMBER 3, 2006
1. FAU Internet Mathematics Competition
Solve problems between now and Nov. 10, 2006 and send by mail before deadline!
Pick up a packet after meeting, sign your name…
***Prizes will be awarded to top contestants. Other contestants with good performances may also receive book prizes.
2. Teacher Appreciation Committee
Evaluate questionnaires
Begin brainstorming and sending out letters for monetary aid and to
universities for small gifts for teachers.
3. Chip Sale
Begins November 6 - November 17.
Pick-up bags on Nov. 6, during Lunch A or After School!!!
4. Reminder:
Practice sessions for this month… November 20 and 27 after school!
***Every Member is required to attend one session/month and complete one packet/month!
5. Reminder:
Hand in Copy of Report Card…these come out Nov. 6 (Next Monday)…This is mandatory!!!
6. Questions…Comments???
7. Meeting Adjourned.
NEXT MEETING... DECEMBER 8, 2006 AT 2:45PM IN 9111!