DECEMBER 8, 2006
1. Report on Chip Sale (Treasurer Report)
***Call out names of those who owe money!
2. Teacher Appreciation
-Committee had first meeting Friday, December 1st
-Almost everyone took on a responsibility
-Vote on amount of money to spend towards project itself
-Next Committee meeting will be Friday, December 15th at 2:45pm
3. Committees To Be Established
-Cutest Couple Committee (February)
-Chairpersons: Stefany Escobedo & Christian Benigno
-Need to meet, set date
-Have letters done before holiday vacation
-Pi Week Committee (March)
-Chairperson: Amber Bohlig
-Need to meet, set date
-Have letters done before holiday vacation
-End Of Year Banquet Committee (May)
-Chairpersons: Camilo Torres & Dennis Hackett
-Need to meet after holiday vacation, set date
-Important topics of discussion include: DJ?, place of banquet, and proposed dates
4. January Competitions
Florida Math League Competition
-January 9 (Ask Math teacher!)
Mu Alpha Theta Competitions
-January 13 (Saturday), Regional:
-List of people willing to attend!
-January 27 (Saturday), Invitational
5. Community Service Project
-Caps for Cancer: joining NHS in project
-Will begin after holiday vacation
6. Practice Sessions
-Not everyone has taken advantage of these sessions
-Thank those individuals that did participate!
7. Report Cards
-Call out names of people that have not turned a copy in!
8. Shirts
-Hand out to officers and members (must pay!)
9. Questions…Comments?
10. Adjournment