Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Next Official Meeting!

Mu Alpha Theta Members,

The next official MAT meeting will take place Friday, February 9, 2007 at 2:45pm in room 77. Please make sure that you hand in a copy of your report card by this meeting or you will not be allowed to take part in the club picture for the school yearbook! Please make every effort to attend this coming meeting...Hope to see you there.

Raul Caso
MAT President

Friday, January 19, 2007

January Competition Practice Sessions...

Mu Alpha Theta Members,

Here are this month's competition practice session dates:
Monday, January 22, 2007 (2:45pm, Rm 77)
Monday, January 29, 2007 (2:45pm, Rm 77)
I extremely urge you to attend these practice sessions and pick up the practice tests because it will prepare you for competitions; attending these competitions is one of MAT's requirements!
Good Luck,
Raul Caso
MAT President

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Friday, Jan. 12, 2007 Agenda

January 12, 2007

1. Update Schedule Cards

2. Chip Sale
***Anyone owe money?
Call out names of those who owe money!

3. Teacher Appreciation
-Next Committee meeting will be Tuesday, January 17th at 2:45pm
-Letters to Universities to be turned in and sent by next week!

4. Committees Update
-Cutest Couple Committee (February)
-Letters to companies must be turned in by next Friday (Jan. 19) for revision
-Talk after meeting with chairpersons of the committee
-Couples should be entering pictures beginning next week: need flyers, announcements, etc.
-Should have people assigned to handle voting during lunch
-Look at planning notebook for already set deadlines

-Pi Week Committee (March)
-Letters to companies to be turned in before February for revision
-Look at planning notebook for already set deadlines

-End Of Year Banquet Committee (May)
-Need to come-up with choices for place of banquet
-Must meet with JAS to inform of choices

5. Mu Alpha Theta Competitions
-January 13 (Saturday), Regional:
-FAU-Davie Campus, from 8:00AM to about 2:30PM
-Transportation will be provided by students
-Must turn-in permission slip to attend
-Wear MAT shirts
-Bring your own calculator
-Each participant must pay $5 for registration fees by next meeting
*while MAT pays for the rest

-Florida Math League Competition
February 6, 2007 (Tuesday)

-Sign-up for Regional, February 10th Competition (Saturday) after meeting!
-8:00AM to about 2:30PM
-Will be taken by a BUS
-Felix Varela High School

6. Mu Alpha Theta Tutoring Hours
-Pick-up tutoring “hour sheet” after meeting
-All hours for chords must be turned-in by April
-underclassmen: 8 hours
-seniors: 10 hours
-Tutoring takes place in Room 9103, after school, Monday-Thursday

7. Caps for Cancer
-Joining NHS in community service project
-Bring: new, clean baseball caps for volunteer hours NOT tutoring hours!

8. Practice Sessions
-Will begin this month
-Jan. 22 & 29 (Mondays), 2:45PM, room 77, pick-up packet and leave!

9. Report Cards (Wednesday, January 17, 2007)
-It is mandatory that you turn-in a copy!
- I MUST have a copy by meeting next month or will not appear in yearbook picture!!!

10. Shirts
-Can pick-up shirts after meeting!

11. Scrapbook
-limit of $200

12. Who is planning to attend the MAT Convention?
-April 20-21 (Same time as Grad Nite)

13. Questions…Comments?

14. Adjournment


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Meeting Friday, January 12, 2007

Hello MAT Members,

This is a reminder that there will be a Mu Alpha Theta meeting this Friday, January 12, 2007 in Mrs. Bisset's room (Rm 77). The meeting will take place after school at 2:45pm. This meeting is extremely important because it is the first meeting of the MAT Competition Season. As you all know, there is a competition Saturday, January 13, 2007 at FAU Davie Campus (from 9:00am to about 1:00pm). If you did sign-up for this competition, I will be delivering to you the field-trip permission slip this coming week and you should return it to me by Friday!

Thank you for your attention,

Raul Caso

Remember that this meeting is at a new location, if you have any doubts about where room 77 is, please email me ( and I will direct you.