Mu Alpha Theta
Friday, September 8th, 2006
1. Call meeting to order
2. Give out last year’s MAT Certificates
3. Present this year’s officers:
President: Raul Caso
Vice-Presidents: Christian Benigno & Camilo Torres
Secretaries: Diego Gomez & Dennis Hackett
Treasurers: Amber Bohlig & Stefany Escobedo
Historian: Priscilla Brunell
4. New Requirements:
A. Tutoring Hours: underclassmen = 8hrs, seniors = 10hrs for chords
Sign-Up on Calendar
(preferred dates…any day…except Friday!)
only 4 people per day!
B. Requiring members to hand in copies of report cards
C. Requiring members to attend at least 2 competitions during the year to maintain membership
5. Will be meeting twice a month to prepare for competitions…taking practice tests, etc.
3rd and 4th Monday of the month after school…
6. Dues…$20 for new members (includes t-shirt), $15 for old members
Dues due by the end of September…Shirt sizes will be taken when dues are paid!
7. Vote on Officer Shirts: If the club is willing to pay for the difference of the cost of shirts for officers. Officers Pay $20 and the club pays the rest of the cost of the shirt.
8. Club Week…need volunteers to help with giving out applications and promote MAT.
Sign-Up for A and B lunch!
9. Popcorn Day for Teachers: September 28, 2006 (Thursday).
Volunteers Needed…Sign-Up through Email later during month!
10. Chip sale will be our first fundraiser…October 23-27! Fill out Project Approvals.
11. Homecoming Tailgate Party this October 6th (Friday) at 5:30pm:
The Club will be selling:
_School Spirit Items (cow bells, pom-poms)
_Vote on whether the club wants to sell Choc. Footballs too!
Will be needing volunteers…sign up through email later in month!
12. Check MAT’s blogspot for updates, meeting dates, etc.:
13. Questions…Comments?
14. Next meeting…Friday, October 13th, 2006 at 2:45pm (room 9111)
15. Close Meeting