Thursday, September 07, 2006

Meeting Agenda...Friday, September 8, 2006

Mu Alpha Theta
Friday, September 8th, 2006

1. Call meeting to order
2. Give out last year’s MAT Certificates
3. Present this year’s officers:

President: Raul Caso
Vice-Presidents: Christian Benigno & Camilo Torres
Secretaries: Diego Gomez & Dennis Hackett
Treasurers: Amber Bohlig & Stefany Escobedo
Historian: Priscilla Brunell

4. New Requirements:
A. Tutoring Hours: underclassmen = 8hrs, seniors = 10hrs for chords

Sign-Up on Calendar
(preferred dates…any day…except Friday!)
only 4 people per day!

B. Requiring members to hand in copies of report cards
C. Requiring members to attend at least 2 competitions during the year to maintain membership
5. Will be meeting twice a month to prepare for competitions…taking practice tests, etc.
3rd and 4th Monday of the month after school…

6. Dues…$20 for new members (includes t-shirt), $15 for old members

Dues due by the end of September…Shirt sizes will be taken when dues are paid!

7. Vote on Officer Shirts: If the club is willing to pay for the difference of the cost of shirts for officers. Officers Pay $20 and the club pays the rest of the cost of the shirt.

8. Club Week…need volunteers to help with giving out applications and promote MAT.
Sign-Up for A and B lunch!

9. Popcorn Day for Teachers: September 28, 2006 (Thursday).

Volunteers Needed…Sign-Up through Email later during month!

10. Chip sale will be our first fundraiser…October 23-27! Fill out Project Approvals.

11. Homecoming Tailgate Party this October 6th (Friday) at 5:30pm:

The Club will be selling:
_School Spirit Items (cow bells, pom-poms)
_Vote on whether the club wants to sell Choc. Footballs too!

Will be needing volunteers…sign up through email later in month!

12. Check MAT’s blogspot for updates, meeting dates, etc.:

13. Questions…Comments?
14. Next meeting…Friday, October 13th, 2006 at 2:45pm (room 9111)
15. Close Meeting


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